Leah Kissick

My name is Leah Kissick and I am an environmental freelance writer specializing in sustainability.

I believe the world can be pulled in the right direction in terms of sustainability. I've seen more and more conscious brands start to emerge, which excites me to my core.

I love working with like-minded individuals to execute their goals as best as possible. It's not easy to create change alone, but together, we can make an impact.

Below, you'll find some of my work.

Featured Articles

How I Work

I view each job as an opportunity to add value and richness to a brand. I am passionate about my work and will always put my everything into what I write. I love helping others, so I never fail to listen to my clients about what it is they need from me.

My Ethos

I do my best to live from a place of compassion, as I want the people around me to feel safe and accepted as they are. I also care deeply for the earth and always do my best to live as sustainably as possible.

Get In Touch

Feel free to email me at leahkissick.freelance@gmail.com about any freelance writing needs!